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We have amazing midwives in the Houston area. When I asked for help writing this post in honor of National Midwifery Week (October 4-10, 2015) about why we love our Houston Area midwives, I was so overwhelmed with responses I needed to write two posts. You can read Part One here.
"I love my midwife because she sincerely cared and informed me so I can have the birth I wanted. Thank you
Shannon Stellhorn."
-Liana Rodriguez
"I love both of my midwives because they were always the calm in the storm, reminding me to find my own inner strength!!"
-Meleah Ekstrand
"I love my midwives because they trusted my body and my intuition. Their faith in me made my 2VBAC of a 10 lb 3 oz baby one of the most enjoyable and empowering moments in my entire life. Thank you, Alyson Kuntz-Butler and Patricia Wilkinson Ghaly of
Magnolia Blossom Birth Center."
-Angela Fagg,
Houston area doula
"I love my team of midwives. They helped keep me on track emotionally and physically during the pregnancy, assured me that I could do it both times...got me back on track when I was overwhelmed and scared...they made me feel safe. Love y'all,
Natalie, Melissa, and Chelsea!"
-Rebecca Greer
"I love my midwife because she talks to me like a person. She puts my mind at ease by putting herself in my shoes and sharing her knowledge with understanding and respect. When I arrive to an appointment, they know my name and my story, and they're really good at pretending to care. (Just kidding!)
Patricia Wilkinson Ghaly and her team at
Magnolia Blossom Birth Center are lovely people, and I'll never be able to show them enough gratitude for their big part in my 2VBAC."
-Jill Solis
"I love my midwife because until I met her, I was sure I was too weak to give my baby and myself a peaceful, natural birth. Because I was so afraid after two invasive, damaging hospital births that had taught me not to trust my own body. I love her because she never doubted that I could see it through my long pregnancy, that she never let myself wallow in my fears and worries. I love her because she trusted my body even when I didn't, and believed my body when it was time to deliver even when I still doubted. I love her because she supported me through my worst contractions and didn't let me give up. When I got scared, when I was exhausted in every way, when I was positive I couldn't push anymore, she raised her voice when I needed it and told me to NOT STOP. And somehow she helped me find the strength inside to finish what I had started. I love her because I delivered my 10 pound 6 ounce baby boy without any tearing or damage. I love her because she wasn't even surprised that I had been able to do it. She knew I could, and I did. I know what I'm capable of now because she helped me realize it. Because of her help and guidance, wisdom, and support, I had a beautiful birth I won't look back on with regret or fear. I'm forever thankful."
-Tara Porter-Duke
"In a moment of feeling completely discouraged, she knew I needed her to be there with me to keep me moving and believing in myself. Because we had spent so much time together before the baby was born, she knew what to say and what NOT to say to keep me focused."
-Helenita F., attended by
midwife Holly Shearman
"I love my midwife because she helped me feel empowered, respected, and at peace during my birth."
-Katy Wentworth
"I love my midwife because she supported my VBAC and never doubted my ability to VBAC."
-Jennifer Lankford Rico
"I love my midwife because she makes me feel safe. And she will be one of the few people present to witness my baby's first minutes in this world--how very momentous, and how very impossible not to love those special people, including her."
-Holly Milkowski, Houston blogger,
Mama's Milk, No Chaser
"I love my midwife because she is so skilled, intuitive, smart, understanding, and kind. I never felt like a name on a list. I felt so well cared for, as if I were a friend of her, that she would do anything she could to help."
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-Anne Lanham, attended by
midwife Holly Shearman
"I love my midwife because she is a friend. She believed in me and helped me bring my beautiful baby girl earth side at a home water birth."
-Krystal O,, attended by
midwife Shannon Stellhorn
"I love my midwives because: My first midwife gave me the confidence that I could wait to have my baby, and I could birth without tearing. And I didn't need a c-section just because I had been in longer for longer than 12 hours.
The 2nd midwife helped my husband help me. Giving us more of a bonding experience while having a baby.
Our 3rd midwife gave us the courage and understanding that we could birth by ourselves. (She missed the birth.)
Our 4th midwife gave me tricks and the opportunity to learn about my baby that was so laid back that I had to have her listen to my baby almost every day. She never got upset. She never showed that she was frustrated. She was always there within minutes to put my worries to rest. Then she came when most others were hunkered down during a blizzard!
Our 5th & 6th babies' midwife lived just around the corner from us, and I loved having her apprentices being able to come and help me out! I loved how she encouraged me to study midwifery!
Our 6th midwife (8th baby) was a life saver, literally! Because she didn't blink an eye when I had complications that my OB insisted should have killed my baby. That baby is healthy and doing great!"
-Cristina Bennett
"She listens to me!"
-Emily Jones
"I love my midwife because she was always there for me. She empowered me and supported my decisions. She is so very knowledgeable and kindhearted. I felt 100% safe in her care. She believed in me and knew the right time to suggest necessary interventions so I could still accomplish my VBAC. She has an innate intuition about birth. So thankful for my midwife being the calm in the storm and helping me accomplish my VBAC. I couldn't have done it without her."
-Roseana Hinds, attended by
midwife Shannon Stellhorn
"She trusts my body as much as I do!"
-Ashley Musil,
Houston area midwife
"I love my midwife because she saw me through the two hardest times in my life.
Jaymee Jamison Boughton, miss you sweet friend!"
-Elizabeth W.
"I love my midwife because she makes me feel as if she is a partner in my care decisions rather than a dictator over them."
-Tonya Newman
"I love my midwife because she informed, encouraged, empowered, and fully supported me the entire length of my pregnancy and birth."
-Kimberly MacRae
Houston families love their midwives! You can learn more about midwives and how they can help you have an AMAZING birth in
childbirth classes throughout the Houston area.
THANK YOU to all who contributed to this post and to the midwives who helped during these amazing births!